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Australian Open

18 Jan 1 Feb, 2026 | Melbourne, Australia

iHinweis: Sicher, vertrauenswürdig und
garantiert seit 1987. Die Preise können Wert.
Sitze zusammen sind, wenn nicht anders vermerkt.

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Buchen Sie Ihre Tickets jetzt zum ersten Grand Slam des Jahres an der Australian Open. Championship Tennis Tours bietet Ihnen die besten Tickets für jede Session entweder in den oberen (schraffiert) oder tiefer gelegenen Abschnitten des sehr intimen Rod Laver Arena. Begleiten Sie uns in Melbourne für die ganze Aktion.   Mehr Details und FAQs. . .
Rod Laver Arena
Rod Laver Arena

Erste Woche:

The warmth and hospitality of the Australians is legendary, as is their pride for this great event. The tennis season truly begins with this fan favorite Grand Slam event.

Datum Sitzung – Rund * Grounds Margaret Court Arena Rod Laver Arena Menge Zwischensumme
Cat 3 Cat 2 Cat 1
18 Jan - Son
Sitzung 1 - Men's and Women's - 1st Round
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18 Jan - Son
Sitzung 2 - Men's and Women's - 1st Round
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19 Jan - Mon
Sitzung 3 - Men's and Women's - 1st Round
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19 Jan - Mon
Sitzung 4 - Men's and Women's - 1st Round
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20 Jan - Die
Sitzung 5 - Men's and Women's - 1st Round
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20 Jan - Die
Sitzung 6 - Men's and Women's - 1st Round
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21 Jan - Mit
Sitzung 7 - Men's and Women's - 2nd Round
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21 Jan - Mit
Sitzung 8 - Men's and Women's - 2nd Round
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22 Jan - Don
Sitzung 9 - Men's and Women's - 2nd Round
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22 Jan - Don
Sitzung 10 - Men's and Women's - 2nd Round
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Mittleren Runden:

Matches feature more and more big names as the tournament progresses, raising excitement and raising the stakes.

Datum Sitzung – Rund * Grounds Margaret Court Arena Rod Laver Arena Menge Zwischensumme
Cat 3 Cat 2 Cat 1
23 Jan - Fre
Sitzung 11 - Men's and Women's - 3rd Round
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23 Jan - Fre
Sitzung 12 - Men's and Women's - 3rd Round
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24 Jan - Sam
Sitzung 13 - Men's and Women's - 3rd Round
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24 Jan - Sam
Sitzung 14 - Men's and Women's - 3rd Round
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25 Jan - Son
Sitzung 15 - Men's/Women's Round of 16
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25 Jan - Son
Sitzung 16 - Men's/Women's Round of 16
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Mostly comprised of top seeded star players, this stage of the tournament divides the wannabes from the true contenders.

Datum Sitzung – Rund * Grounds Margaret Court Arena Rod Laver Arena Menge Zwischensumme
Cat 3 Cat 2 Cat 1
26 Jan - Mon
Sitzung 17 - Men's/Women's Round of 16
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26 Jan - Mon
Sitzung 18 - Men's/Women's Round of 16
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27 Jan - Die
Sitzung 19 - Men's and Women's Quarterfinals
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27 Jan - Die
Sitzung 20 - Men's and Women's Quarterfinals
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An Australian Open champion is crowned here. One grand slam down, three to go!

Datum Sitzung – Rund * Grounds Margaret Court Arena Rod Laver Arena Menge Zwischensumme
Cat 3 Cat 2 Cat 1
28 Jan - Mit
Sitzung 21 - Men's and Women's Quarterfinals
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28 Jan - Mit
Sitzung 22 - Men's and Women's Quarterfinals
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29 Jan - Don
Sitzung 23 - Women's Semi finals
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30 Jan - Fre
Sitzung 24 - Men's Semi finals 1
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30 Jan - Fre
Sitzung 25 - Men's Semi finals 2
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31 Jan - Sam
Sitzung 26 - Women's Finals
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1 Feb - Son
Sitzung 27 - Men's Finals
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Haben Sie Fragen? Senden Sie eine E-Mail. Oder rufen. Arizona Office local and international call +1 (480) 429-7700

Wählen Sie Ihre Ticket i



Gebiet auswählen
Stadium View (Approximate View)
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Stadium View (Approximate View)
General tickets can be anywhere within the Upper Level on Rod Laver Arena. This ticket also gives you access to all the outside courts.

Stadium View

Rod Laver Arena - Upper Level (Category 2 and 3 sections)

Tickets in the upper level of the stadium are broken into two categories, Category 2 and 3. The Category 3 sections are located on the east and west side of the court between the baselines, as well as the last 10-15 rows in the corner and behind the server. The Category 2 sections in the upper level are located in the first 8 rows in the corners and behind the server. In addition, fans may access all outside courts including Hisense Arena and Show Courts 2 and 3, as well as all the entertainment on offer on Grand Slam Oval, Garden Square and around the Melbourne and Olympic Park precinct. There is no access to Margaret Court Arena with a Rod Laver Arena ticket.

Rod Laver Arena - Lower Level (Category 1 sections)

Tickets in the lower level of the stadium are considered Category 1 level. With a ticket on center court fans may access all outside courts including Hisense Arena and Show Courts 2 and 3, as well as all the entertainment on offer on Grand Slam Oval, Garden Square and around the Melbourne and Olympic Park precinct. There is no access to Margaret Court Arena with a Rod Laver Arena ticket.


Where are the different categories located in Margaret Court Arena?

  • Category 1 seats are located in the lower level.
  • Category 2 seats are located in the upper level in the corners and behind the server.
  • Category 3 seats are located in the upper level.

Australian Open FAQ's

Q. What Australian Open tickets are available and can you explain the different types?

Grounds Passes - Roam the public areas and free seating show courts. The don't have a reserved seat on any of the outside courts or provide access to Rod Laver or Margaret Court Arenas..

ROD LAVER ARENA - (The Main Center Court where all the final rounds for singles are played.)

All seats are reserved seating.

Category 3: All seats are upper level, mostly shaded

Category 2: An upgrade to Cat. 2 is also upper level, but closer to the action and still has some sun at times (day)

Category 1: These new cushioned seats are all lower level in prime locations, often in the sun (day)

Super Row: The first row above the court – very limited and sells out quickly, mainly sun (day)

On Court Seating: Contact us for seating on the court with hospitality – an awesome experience!


All seats are reserved seating.

This court is located next to Rod Laver Arena and is the newest state of the art court with all four categories; Cat 3, Cat 2, Cat 1 & Super Row.


This is a ticketed arena with free seating inside.  

Q. Want to avoid the sun?

The heat in Melbourne during January can be very uncomfortable, especially if you must sit hours in the sun. To beat the heat and get protection from the sun during the day sessions, the best options are CAT 1 seats located behind the server in sections 3-17 or 8-12.

Q. I want to see Roger Federer (or my favorite player). When is he/she playing?

The Australian Open is an elimination event. Tickets are sold to sessions of the Australian Open, not to particular matches. It is not possible to purchase tickets in advance to see a specific player. Due to the nature of the event, the schedule for each day cannot be announced until the night prior. Remember, the schedule and order of play are subject to change at any time. Tennis is an unpredictable sport and unavoidable events can occur; it all adds to the thrill and suspense of the Australian Open.

Q. When will my tickets be delivered?

Tickets are generally delivered one week before your first day of attendance. Actual delivery times vary from event to event depending on many factors including when tickets are physically allocated by the tournament.

Q. What if my tickets are lost or stolen?

When you receive your tickets, keep them in a safe place. Unfortunately, tickets cannot be replaced if they are lost, stolen, or damaged. Please note that direct sunlight or heat can damage some tickets. 

Q. Will the tickets I order be together?

Yes. All ticket order of two tickets will be together. For orders of 3 or more tickets we do our best to get all the tickets together, but it’s not guaranteed. We will make sure to have at least all the tickets as pairs.

Q. When tickets are listed as a “General” ticket for a particular level, what does that mean?

When a ticket is listed as a “CAT 1 - General” this simply means that your tickets are guaranteed to be located in a section within the CAT 1 level. Even though it’s listed as “General”, all tickets are reserved. You will only know the actual seats (section, row, and seat number) once the tickets are delivered.

Q. If I have a ticket for the night session, can I attend the tennis during the day?

All night session ticket holders may enter the grounds from 5pm.

Q. If I have a ticket for the day session, can I stay and watch the tennis at night?

Day session ticket holders are permitted to stay and watch tennis on the outside courts for the night session, but must vacate Rod Laver Arena and Margaret Court Arena at the conclusion of the day session.

Q. What time can I enter the grounds?

All day session ticket holders can enter the precinct from 10am but must vacate Rod Laver Arena or Margaret Court Arena at the conclusion of play for the day session. Day session tickets will still allow you access to the outdoor courts and the outside events held on site.

Q. What is a twilight session?

Play on Friday January will commence at 3pm with the mixed doubles semifinal followed by the women’s doubles final, and a men’s singles semifinal scheduled not before 7.30pm. On Saturday January the women’s singles final is scheduled to commence not before 7.30pm, with girls’ and boys’ finals from 1pm. On Sunday January play will commence at 4pm with the mixed doubles final, and the men’s singles final scheduled to commence not before 7.30pm.

Q. How long is a tennis match?

Tennis matches vary greatly in length and can take anywhere from an hour to three or four hours. Men’s singles matches are best of five sets and women’s singles matches are best of three sets.

Q. How many matches will be played on Rod Laver Arena and Margaret Court Arena?

Traditionally, day sessions feature three matches on Rod Laver Arena and three matches on Margaret Court Arena. During the evening there are typically two matches played. This is subject to both weather and schedule changes. Ultimately, the number of matches played is determined by the Tournament Referee and is subject to change at any time.

Q. Where are the different categories located in Rod Laver Arena?

* Super Row seats are the front row seats in the lower level

* Category 1 seats are located in the lower level at the end of the court  and the first few rows on the side of the court.
* Category 2 seats are located on the side of the court (lower level) and the first eight rows of the upper level at the end of the court

* Category 3 seats are located in the upper level.

Q. What does a Rod Laver Arena ticket include?

Tickets include access to a reserved seat within Rod Laver Arena.

In addition, fans may access all outside courts including Hisense Arena and Show Courts 2 and 3, as well as all the entertainment on offer on Grand Slam Oval, Garden Square and around the Melbourne and Olympic Park precinct. There is no access to Margaret Court Arena with a Rod Laver Arena ticket.

Q. Where are the different categories located in Margaret Court Arena?

* Super Row seats are the front row seats in the lower level

* Category 1 seats are located at the end of the court (lower level)

* Category 2 seats are located on the side of the court (lower level)

* Category 3 seats are located in the upper level.

Q. What does a Margaret Court Arena ticket include?

Tickets include access to a reserved seat within Margaret Court Arena.

In addition, fans may access all outside courts including Hisense Arena and Show Courts 2 and 3, as well as all the entertainment on offer on Grand Slam Oval, Garden Square and around the Melbourne and Olympic Park precinct. There is no access to Rod Laver Arena. Margaret Court Arena offers fans a world class tennis experience, with the intimate 7500-seat stadium allowing fans to get up close to the on-court action. Demand for the stadium is expected to be high, especially for shaded seating in the stands. Melbourne Park features three retractable roof stadiums, allowing play to continue in all weather conditions.

Q. What matches can I expect to see on Margaret Court Arena?

Margaret Court Arena will showcase some of the world’s best tennis players in action over the first eight days and six nights of the tournament. Fans can expect to see big names and classic matches in the state-of-the-art venue.

Q. What does a day session ground pass include?

Day session ground passes include access to the grounds at any time on the day stated on the pass, as well as access to all matches scheduled on Hisense Arena, Show Courts 2 and 3 and the outside courts.

Q. Where do the players and umpire sit?

The umpire’s chair and players seats are located on the west side of each court.

Q. Where do the Players enter the court?

They enter the court on the west side by section 16.

Q. What are the best sections to stay in the shade?

The sections in the corner and behind the server in both the upper and lower levels are generally in the shade.  The seats between the between the baselines in the lower level get exposed to the most sun.

Q. Can children attend Australian Open and which areas can they access?

Children under the age of 18 are welcome to attend Australian Open. They must be accompanied by an adult in all licensed venues and any other areas Tennis Australia/Melbourne and Olympic Park nominate.Children over the age of three must carry their own ticket.  Children aged two and under are entitled to enter the event free of charge but must not occupy a reserved seat.

Q. Where is the Australian Open venue located in Melbourne?

The tournament is held walking distance from the city center, in Melbourne Park:
Melbourne Park Olympic Boulevard, Melbourne Park, Melbourne, Vic 3000



When can I expect to receive my Australian Open tickets?

Tickets are scheduled to begin being distributed from our office in Scottsdale around January 5th. If you still haven't received your tickets within one week of your first day of attendance at the tournament, feel free to contact us. Otherwise, please rest assured that your ticket order is being processed normally. If this doesn't work with your travel plans, we will have representatives on site that can deliver tickets safely and securely to your Melbourne Hotel.
Haben Sie Fragen? Senden Sie eine E-Mail. Oder rufen. Arizona Office local and international call +1 (480) 429-7700

Engagiert für Service

Seit 1987 haben wir die Mission, Fans aus allert Welt die Teilnahme am begerhrtesten Tennisturnier der Welt so einfach wie möglich zu machen. Wir beschäftigen uns ausschließlich mit Tennis und haben weitreichende Erfahrung und Einblick die Turniere betreffend, die wire anbieten. Sie können voll auf das Niveau unseres Kundendienstes vertrauen, der sich um all Details kümmert, damit Sie in Zukunft en teuer Kunde von uns werden.

Mike Bernstein
Championship Tennis Tours