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Italian Open

7 Mai 18 Mai, 2025 | Rome, Italy

iHinweis: Sicher, vertrauenswürdig und
garantiert seit 1987. Die Preise können Wert.
Sitze zusammen sind, wenn nicht anders vermerkt.

Fotos anzeigen
Die Rom Masters auf dem Foro Italico gehalten wird als eine der am meisten erwarteten Ereignisse auf dem Tennis-Kalender angesehen. Gespielt auf dem roten Sand des Foro Italico am Stadtrand von Rom gelegen, bietet das Italian Open eine festliche Atmosphäre anders als anderswo. Buchen Sie Ihre Tickets jetzt für dieses große Ereignis Ende des Frühlings.   Mehr Details und FAQs. . .
Foro Italico - Center Court
Foro Italico



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Datum Sitzung – Rund * CAT 2 CAT 1 Menge Zwischensumme
7 Mai - Mit
Sitzung 1 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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7 Mai - Mit
Sitzung 2 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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8 Mai - Don
Sitzung 3 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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8 Mai - Don
Sitzung 4 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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9 Mai - Fre
Sitzung 5 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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9 Mai - Fre
Sitzung 6 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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10 Mai - Sam
Sitzung 7 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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10 Mai - Sam
Sitzung 8 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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11 Mai - Son
Sitzung 9 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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11 Mai - Son
Sitzung 10 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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12 Mai - Mon
Sitzung 11 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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12 Mai - Mon
Sitzung 12 - Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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13 Mai - Die
Sitzung 13 - RD 16 Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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13 Mai - Die
Sitzung 14 - RD 16 Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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14 Mai - Mit
Sitzung 15 - QF Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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14 Mai - Mit
Sitzung 16 - QF Singles ATP - Singles WTA
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15 Mai - Don
Sitzung 17 - QF Singles ATP - SF Singles WTA
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15 Mai - Don
Sitzung 18 - QF Singles ATP - SF Singles WTA
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16 Mai - Fre
Sitzung 19 - SF Singles ATP - SF DBL WTA
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16 Mai - Fre
Sitzung 20 - SF Singles ATP - SF DBL WTA
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17 Mai - Sam
Sitzung 21 - Final Singles WTA - SF DBL ATP
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18 Mai - Son
Sitzung 22 - Final Singles ATP - Final DBL ATP - Final DBL WTA
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Haben Sie Fragen? Senden Sie eine E-Mail. Oder rufen. Arizona Office local and international call +1 (480) 429-7700
Art Tickets:


Stadium View (Approximate View)
Stadium View zoom
Stadium View (Approximate View)

Stadium View
We offer excellent tickets on CAT 1(lower level) and CAT 2 (upper level) for the Italian Open. If you're looking for seats with the sun not facing you, you're best bet is seats in the South and West sides of the court.

Italian Open FAQ’s

Q. When will my tickets be delivered?

Tickets are generally delivered one week before your first day of attendance. Actual delivery times vary from event to event depending on many factors including when tickets are physically allocated by the tournament.

Q. What if my tickets are lost or stolen?

When you receive your tickets, keep them in a safe place. Unfortunately, tickets cannot be replaced if they are lost, stolen, or damaged. Please note that direct sunlight or heat can damage some tickets. 

Q. What is the address of the Foro Italico?

Viale del Foro Italico, 00135 Roma

Q. Will the tickets I order be together?

Yes. All ticket order of two tickets will be together. For orders of 3 or more tickets we do our best to get all the tickets together, but it’s not guaranteed. We will make sure to have at least all the tickets as pairs.

Q. When tickets are listed as a “General” ticket for a particular level, what does that mean?

When a ticket is listed as a “General” ticket, such as “CAT 1 - General” this simply means that your tickets are guaranteed to be located in a section within the CAT 1. Even though it’s listed as “General”, all tickets are reserved. You will only know the actual seats (section, row, and seat number) once the tickets are delivered.

Q. Where is the entrance at Parco del Foro Italico?

The audience can access to the Parco del Foro Italico from both the entrance on Lungotevere Maresciallo Cadorna at the corner of Via Canevaro, between the indoor swimming pool and the Swimming Stadio, and from the entrance of Viale delle Olimpiadi 60 (Ponte della Musica).

Q. If i don't want to the sun facing me, which side would be better to sit in?

It would be best to sit in the West or South side of the stadium for the least amount of sun in your face.

Q. Where is there an Information Point?

It is located near the Welcome Area on Viale delle Olimpiadi (South Entrance).

Q. Are there ATMs onsite?

Inside the Foro Italico area there are available BNL ATMs near the Expository Area and the dedicated athletes’ area.

Q. Are there food courts and restaurants?

There has been realized three main “Food Areas”, refreshment areas with bar and fast food: two are near the Central Court (Campo Centrale) and one at the Grand Stand Arena.

Q. Where is the Hospitality Village?

Ospitality Village is situated on Viale delle Olimpiadi, inside the Circolo del Foro Italico area.

Q. Where is the FIT Lounge?

It rises on top of the Circolo del Tennis del Foro Italico terrace and represent, like every year, a meeting point between managers and FIT hosts.

Q. Are there specifically fun areas on the grounds for kids (and adults)?

These are spaces that can host, over the entire course of the tournament, a total of 40,000 children and are equipped with a Tennis Court (Viale delle Olimpiadi). Here children and the public will be able to play Tennis and meet their favorite champions. There will also be a Paddle Tennis court in the commercial area on Viale delle Olimpiadi.

Q. Are there Shuttle Services to the tournament from the center of town?

There will be a shuttle service from Termini’s Station to Foro Italico: you can consult the timetable directly from Trenitalia link.
The service will be operative for the whole tournament and it’s only valid for those who have travelled and reached Rome with Trenitalia.
* Roma Termini shuttle stop: Piazza dei Cinquecento
* Foro Italico shuttle stop: Piazza Lauro de Bosis (zona obelisco)

Q. Is there Parking near the facility?

To reach the facility with your car without a necessary permission, the closest parking facility is at Piazzale del Foro Italico, near the Stadio Olimpico and the Stadio dei Marmi. Alternatively, you can use one of the following parking facilities—Piazza Mancini, Piazzale Maresciallo Giardino, or Piazzale Clodio. You can also park in the zones marked with blue stripes on the streets adjacent to the facility. Hourly parking fees are € 1.00 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. The Ponte della Musica also allows easy access to the south entrance, using parking on Piazza Gentile da Fabriano and Lungotevere Flaminio.

Q. What are the best bus and metro lines?

The closest reference point for those wishing to leave their cars at home to reach the Parco del Foro Italico with public transportation is the Piazza Mancini terminus—simply cross Ponte Duca D’Aosta or Ponte della Musica to find yourself at one of the two facility entrances. If you decide to take the metro, the closest stations on the A line are “Ottaviano” and “Flaminio.” The transfer station between the A and B lines is “Termini.” At the “Ottaviano” station exit, you can take bus #32 and get off at the Lungotevere Maresciallo Cadorna stop. But if you arrive at the “Flaminio” metro stop, the best bet is to take tram #2 all the way to the Piazza Mancini terminus.

Q. Are there Medical Services onsite?

Two first aid stations will be provided, one adjacent to the Grand Stand Arena, on the Viale delle Olimpiadi side, the other at Center Court.

Q. How may courts are there at the Foro Italico?

The Foro Italico has 15 clay courts—the Campo Centrale, the Nicola Pietrangeli Stadium, and 12 other courts, of which 3 were just completed for the 2014 event.

Q. What is the seating capacity of the courts
Center Court (Campo Centrale) 10,500
Grand Stand Arena 5,000
Nicola Pietrangeli Stadium 3,720
Secondary courts 6,000

Q. Where do I fly into?
The Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport is the closest airport to the venue

When can I expect to receive my Italian Open tickets?

Tickets are scheduled to begin being distributed from our office in Scottsdale around the end of April with tickets for the first week of the tournament being sent out first followed by second week orders. If you still haven't received your tickets within one week of your first day of attendance at the tournament, feel free to contact us. Otherwise, please rest assured that your ticket order is being processed normally. If this doesn't work with your travel plans, we can arrange to have your tickets shipped directly to your hotel in the Rome area.
Haben Sie Fragen? Senden Sie eine E-Mail. Oder rufen. Arizona Office local and international call +1 (480) 429-7700

Engagiert für Service

Seit 1987 haben wir die Mission, Fans aus allert Welt die Teilnahme am begerhrtesten Tennisturnier der Welt so einfach wie möglich zu machen. Wir beschäftigen uns ausschließlich mit Tennis und haben weitreichende Erfahrung und Einblick die Turniere betreffend, die wire anbieten. Sie können voll auf das Niveau unseres Kundendienstes vertrauen, der sich um all Details kümmert, damit Sie in Zukunft en teuer Kunde von uns werden.

Mike Bernstein
Championship Tennis Tours